Melon, Blueberry and Yogurt Parfait with Hemp Cereal

Summer times are here again. This season is always exiting for food lovers. Lots of fresh, vibrant and juicy fruits mature in spring-summer time, giving us plenty of healthy and delicious options to choose from. Oranges, mangoes, melons, berries are few of my favorites. I am sure they are everyone's favorite. Aren't they?
Where I love summer for freshest fruits, I never liked summer for heat, sun burns and California Santa Ana winds. Every 4 or 5 years, we face these immense heat waves that destroy all beautiful vegetation around us. This year that season has come so early and is very far from over. Since day before yesterday San Diego county is tackling 9+ wild fires in the area. We have our important stuff packed up, ready to leave anytime told to evacuate!!
:( My heart goes out for all those who have lost their homes in this wild fire. Heart breaking to see one's home on fire. Thank God there were no life lost or injuries. Kudos to sandiegans for standing for each other, helping each other and big shout out for all our volunteer fire fighter friends. They are doing great service to this community. We can never thank them enough.
Lately, News and activity on fire eruptions all over our near-by areas have kept us very busy. I was trying hard past two days to post this recipe but could not. Writing it in small chunks whenever I get time. Not sure when will I post next. Bear with me friends but situation of wild fire in San Diego is not so good. Heat waves and winds are so strong in the area that no relief is expected soon. Its 103+ outside. Sources say these winds will continue for whole summer season. Hoping it end soon...

Last weekend, craving for something fresh & chilled, I made this quick parfait for breakfast for me and Vishal. Sun is generally shining bright and hot before 7a.m. in the morning. We did not even feel to cook anything. In-fact I wanted to make parfait or lite breakfast for Vishal. This melon and yogurt parfait fit right in.

Summer Melons are very juicy and sweet, especially cantaloupe and honeydew, but these are all big size fruits. Least weekend while shopping for groceries, I saw these pretty small baby cantaloupes in produce section. I had this parfait in mind, so decided to buy one.

It is very important to find ripe and sweet cantaloupe and you know, I have an eye to spot one that is ripe. How? Few ways -
a) look for melon that is heavier than its size.
b) has deep yellow spot at the bottom.
c) sniff it for sweet smell.
These factors can really help you choose more ripe and sweet cantaloupe or melon.
One of other important ingredient I planned for this parfait was Hemp Cereal. Whole foods sell this gluten free, buckwheat, sultans, greens and hemp blend cereal that I enjoy a lot with cold almond milk. I love replacing my every day breakfast granola with this gluten free, crunchy and healthy cereal. Melon parfait was my way to introduce this healthy Hemp cereal to Vishal. He totally loved it with chilled yogurt, sweet melon pieces and delicious surprise of fresh blueberries.

All of the ingredients in this parfait are replaceable. Use any kind of ripe and sweet melon you can find easily. Substitute blueberries with raspberries or strawberries. Substitute hemp and green cereal with any crunchy granola. Use flavored yogurt or even a panna cotta will be great too!!
We are hoping to get some relief from wildfire in San Diego. You all stay safe from summer heat.

Melon, Blueberry and Yogurt Parfait with Hemp Cereal

1. Cut Cantaloupe Melon: Cube or Scoop a small cantaloupe or honeydew melon into bite size pieces. I used melon scoop to make these small round pieces. It is totally optional. You also don't need to be very precise in shape.
2. Assemble Parfait: Mix honey in the yogurt. In two parfait or wide mouth glasses, divide and arrange half of cantaloupe pieces in an even layer. Top with blueberries, then by 2 tbsp yogurt in each. Top with remaining cantaloupe pieces and yogurt. Finish with layer of your favorite granola or with crunchy Hemp and Green gluten free cereal. Enjoy a healthy breakfast at home!! Additional Notes: If packing for lunch, pack cereal/granola and yogurt in separate containers.
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