Kale and Zucchini Summer Soup with Chive Frittatine Croutons

Hello everyone! I have been dying to share my recipes with you again! Two things did not let me post past one week. One, you know, the paperblog issue which I posted about last week. It resolved yesterday and now I am free to post again!! hurahhh!!
Second, Vishal surprised me with an unexpected short holiday trip on my birthday. Well, he was sort of asking me where I want to go for birthday and I kept telling him, "my bday is in middle of week, so we are not going anywhere!" Turns out, he already applied for vacation and we had a blast in Vegas for two days (a long due vacation after a long time...)
We had great time and I have come home inspired with so many dishes we tried there! Can't wait to make'em all at home and share with you.
I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but my recipes will give you a little taste of Vegas in your own kitchen!! I'll try my best! Promise!!
Now, lets talk about this Kale-licious summer soup which we had just before hitting the road last weekend. I had this soup recipe cooking in my mind from many days. As we were reaching the two-week-grocery-finished mark, I made the vegetable stock a day in advance with remaining 1-2 veggies in fridge for this delicious kale and zucchini soup.
Kale is like turmeric of modern world. Sooooo many healthy benefits and delicious taste. Even in Vegas, I found everyone serving many dishes with Kale.
For this lite and healthy Kale and Zucchini summer soup, I have paired kale and turmeric together. My way to include loads of anti-oxidants, vitamins, anti-inflammatory nutrients in one bowl of soup.

Sharing with you, hearty Kale and Zucchini Summer Soup in lite, lemony, sweet and mild spicy homemade broth, topped with frittatine croutons!
Why Homemade Broth?

I strongly recommend making vegetable broth at home for this soup. Even though, you can use store bought low sodium stock/broth, the homemade version has lot more nutrients and great taste. I made it specially for this soup for FOUR reasons -
1) I wanted a mild spicy and sweeter broth, courtesy - fresh leek, turmeric and cilantro.
2) I had surplus veggies before we go for fresh groceries, so I used'em all!!
3) I made a bigger batch, froze half for next time.
4) My fridge neverrrrr has space to keep leftover cartons of stock!!
This stock is great base to flavor veggies, make clear noodle or chicken soup too!
If you own a pressure cooker, stock will be ready in 15 minutes! or just leave it to simmer while you ready dinner a night before and keep refrigerated for 2-3 days or freeze and use for up-to 1 month.
Fritattine Croutons!!
What is this frittatine??? Well, it is little sister of, your most loved Frittata ;)
Everyone loves frittata in my home (what?? in your home too!).
In short, frittatine croutons were - a delicious eggy surprise and my little way to trick my picky eaters to eat an anti-oxidant rich bowl of hearty soup.
Forget soup, frittatine croutons are delicious to-go-snack on its own. On busy weekdays, when I had not planned breakfast, I often make frittatine, smother it in tomato ketchup, roll-up and it is breakfast-on-the-go for Vishal.
Now question is why frittatine? why not frittata?
Well, I make frittatine with semolina, little parmesan and eggs, not just eggs. So, far less eggs than a regular frittata yet yummy, filling and tasty.
To make Frittatine:
In a small bowl, mix all ingredients listed in frittatine ingredient list.

Let the mixture sit and semolina soak in flavor for 10 minutes. In meantime, heat oil in a non-stick pan.

Pour half of mixture in pan and let it set completely. Then carefully flip to cook the other side, just like an omelette.

Remove from pan, repeat for remaining mixture and then set aside to cool completely. Once cooled, slice into small squares to make croutons.

Enjoy this summer special hearty and healthy soup and if you like it (which I am sure you will!), then please pin it for me :) :) xoxo

Kale and Zucchini Summer Soup with Chive Frittatine Croutons

Chive FrittatineDirections
1. Homemade Vegetable Broth - In a large deep pan or pressure cooker, heat 1 tsp oil. Add white onion, lemon grass and saute for 2 minutes. Now add all ingredients mentioned in vegetable broth ingredient list.
2. Homemade Vegetable Broth - Saute for 3-4 more minutes, just until spinach has wilted and leek is fragrant. Add salt and 6 cups of water. Bring to boil and then simmer for 30 minutes or pressure cook for 10 minutes. Strain the stock, let is cool completely. I recommend to use fresh broth immediately or keep refrigerated for 2-3 days or freeze to use within 1 month. Additional Notes: I recommend to use fresh broth immediately or keep refrigerated for 2-3 days or freeze to use within 1 month.
3. Chive Frittatine - In a small bowl, mix together all ingredients listed for Chive Frittatine. Additional Notes: For best results, let mixture rest for 10-15 minutes.
4. Heat 1/2 tbsp oil/butter in a non-stick pan. Add half of the mix on heated non-stick pan and cook on low heat until set. Carefully lift with spatula and cook the other side. Remove from pan. Repeat this step for remaining mixture. Makes 2-3 round frittatines, set aside.
5. Soup - In a deep pan, heat 1 tbsp olive oil, add minced garlic and saute for 30 seconds until just fragrant. Add sliced zucchini and saute for 2 minutes.
6. Add fine chopped kale (or thin julienne) kale and saute for 2 more minutes, then add vegetable stock and increase heat to bring stock to a rolling boil. Simmer until zucchini is cooked yet not mushy.(about 5-7 minutes). Add juice of 1 lemon (about 1.5 tbsp) and 1/4 tsp ground black pepper. Taste and adjust salt.
7. Slice frittatine into squares.
8. Ladle soup in serving bowls. Top with few squares of frittatine. Serve warm (or hot). Serve remaining frittatine squares on the side.
Savita's Notes:
To save time, I often make stock in advance. Or while stock is cooking, ready the frittatine, slice zucchini, kale and complete all prep work to reduce the total time to almost half.© Chef De Home. Post content including video and photos are copyright protected.
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