Nutty Quinoa and Chickpeas Salad
plus a Sur La Table Gift Card GIVEAWAY

This nutty Quinoa and Chickpeas Salad, oh my God, I am addicted to it! In-fact, I wouldn't call this a salad, instead it is a perfect meal with good serving of protein, veggies, carbs, and is yet lite and healthy.
This post is also to share some holiday cheers with all of you. Follow recipe and enter to win a $25 gift card to Sur La Table! Enjoy!!

$25 Gift Card Giveaway to Sur La Table!!
My love for quinoa and chickpeas shine through this salad. Chickpeas are everyone's favorite in my family. Back home, over the weekends, we used to order spicy Chickpea Curry (Chana Masala) and Indian Bread from a local early-morning eatery and devoured heavy breakfast with spicy Mango Pickle. Those days, no one asked for any food until dinner time..... just filling and satisfying brunch, eat and hibernate..... if there was any chickpea curry leftover, that was a MUST have, on side, for dinner :)

Here, I don't get to enjoy those feasts very often, so I keep looking and experimenting with lots of salads/sides/curries with chickpeas. Quinoa is yet another favorite component in this salad. I specially love it for low-starch content. A little sauteing of cooked quinoa gives this salad nutty and chewy bite. You can also add some toasted walnuts for crunch, but I find this salad great even without them.
Not just for taste or remembering old times, there are many other qualities of this chickpea salad which makes me love it every-time I make it:
1) First, serve this chickpea salad for lunch, and then carry on your day feeling full.... without any mid-evening snacks cravings.
2) This salad is not just vegan but also gluten free.
3) You can make this salad ahead of time and then keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
4) If you looking for healthy gluten free holiday dinner sides, this salad is your answer.

I like to enjoy this salad with a glass of salted buttermilk which is certainly not vegan. So, feel free to take glass of orange juice or coconut water as vegan alternatives.
Happy to share yet another salad recipe with you all. You can find a lot more salads for coming holidays in my SALAD and SIDES Collection.
And from Chef De Home recipe repertoire:
One year ago, Quinoa Salad with Roasted Corn and Mango
Three years ago, Rustic Spinach, Artichokes and Basil Pesto Pizza
Happy Cooking!
Nutty Quinoa and Chickpeas Salad

- 1. Cook Quinoa - In a deep pot, bring 1 cup water to rolling boil. Add 1/4 tsp salt and quinoa. Bring to boil, then simmer for 6-10 minutes or until almost all water has been absorbed and quinoa has started to sprout (or cook qunioa per package directions). Cover and remove from heat. Set aside covered.
2. Heat 1/2 tbsp oil in a pan. Add diced asparagus, and then saute on medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until asparagus is tender, then add red pepper flakes.
3. Now add cooked qunioa, and saute for 3-4 minutes. Sauteing cooked quinoa gives distinct nutty and chew taste to qunioa.
4. Remove qunioa from heat. Add canned, rinsed chickpeas, then add lemon juice, remaining olive oil, and mix well. Taste and adjust salt and pepper. Let it come to room temperature or chill in refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Mix in chopped cilantro (or parsley if using), cucumber, and capers just before serving.
© Chef De Home. Post content including video and photos are copyright protected.
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23 Responses
Susanne Barker
Love to find interesting vegetarian recipes. I will try this at a family potluck this weekend.Savita
Congrats!! @Bryan, please claim your winning with in a week. Email chefs(at)chefdehome(dot)com with same email address you used to enter in the giveaway.Annette
I was a picky eater as a child, so I didn't like sides - my favorite part of the meal was turkey.Neeli Raj
I recently tried a turkey sandwich at starbucks and loved every bite! Growing up, I always asked for ham, turkey was never my favorite, but I guess I am liking it these days.Bryan
I have vivid memories of sitting for holiday dinner and waiting for dessert course. Desserts have always been my weakness, specially pumpkin-pecan pies are to-die-for!Annette
My favorite Thanksgiving food, since childhood, is turkey.Savita
@Annette, I appreciate your enthusiasm to participate, but exact same comment every day will result in duplicate entry. Please try to share more thoughts with us. again, thanks a ton for participating!Savita
@Bryan, @Carol, @Neeli, @Jane, @Annette thanks for participating.Annette
My favorite childhood Holiday Food is turkey.Carol Ezovski
I shared on Google + (Carol Ezovski) My favorite food as a child and even now is turkey and stuffing.Jane Nowell
OMG! I am drooling look at the pics. sharing!Neeli Raj
Great giveaway!! waiting to buy some goodies from sur la table!Annette
One of my favorite childhood Holiday Foods is turkey.Bryan
Love to have a cup of hot chocolate, every day, all holiday season!Savita
@Annette, thank you for participating!Annette
My favorite childhood Holiday Food is fried turkey.Arunditi Sharma
I love chickpeas. Chickpeas with asparagus and quinoa sounds like a great combination. Have to try this one soon!Thomas
I have always loved cranberry sauce.Savita
@Annette, @Ani, @Neeli, thank you so much for participating!Annette
My favorite childhood Holiday Food is cornbread dressing.Ani D
I have always loved cranberry sauce!Neeli Raj
We love to enjoy all sorts of fried, baked hand-pies during holidays and festivals. potato stuffed, meat stuffed are my fav. sharing on g+ :)Neeli Raj
Savita, chickpeas curry is one of my favorite family recipe too!! This salad looks so tempting and pictures are clicked beautifully!