Baked Rustic Potatoes with Basil Pesto
Crispy baked potatoes topped with homemade pesto
Posted On: Mar, 26
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Nothing can beat the taste and charm of Starchy Crispy potatoes topped with fresh homemade basil pesto. I always enjoy nutty taste of basil pesto and keep finding ways to use pesto in a number of ways. This recipe is favorite of all my friends, especially for potluck or BBQ parties, I am often asked to bring my baked potatoes and basil pesto. Although, I prefer making pesto at home since that is economical as well as fresh and healthy without any preservatives. If you are in hurry, you can use store bought Pesto as well. At home if using farm fresh basil and garlic, homemade basil pesto is half the price spent to buy it from store. For best results make basil pesto 10-20 minutes before serving. This time allows flavors to marry well and olive oil absorbs good sharp basil taste.
Pairing Ideas:
Baked Rustic Potatoes with Basil Pesto
review) (1
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(Appetizer, Side Dish)
1. To make pesto; pulse all ingredients together except olive oil, potatoes and parmesan cheese. Slowly add 1/4 cup of olive oil while pulsing the ingredients. Add parmesan cheese and pulse again.
2. Basil Pesto is ready. Set aside till we bake potatoes. Additional Notes: You can also toss some fresh Penne Pasta with this elegant Pesto and have delicious Pasta Recipe.
- 3. Wash and Cut the potatoes in halves lengthwise or fourths depending on the size. The idea is to keep the potatoes in halves as much as possible so as to have flat surface for topping basil pesto. Arrange potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle 2 tbsp oil and salt and black pepper on potatoes. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or when potatoes are soft & browned. I prefer to brown these starchy treats to the point that these stick to the foil and skin is slightly crispy. Additional Notes: If using small potatoes, please check the potatoes after 30 minutes and then every five minutes to avoid overcooking potatoes.
4. Top the potatoes with Basil Pesto and serve warm with your choice of protein. Enjoy!!!
Savita's Notes:
I have used medium sized brown skinned Russet Potatoes but you can also use small red or yellow potatoes to create perfect bite size appetizers.© Chef De Home. Post content including video and photos are copyright protected.
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2 Responses
Charlene Wheelet
Vegan pleasematt
I liked the basil pesto twist with the potatoes, yumm